It was a very positive maiden voyage if I say so myself. Car felt a little slippy but that's normal during the first couple of rounds at Morecambe until the grip comes up, especially with new tyres like I had. Really, trying a new car on tyres you've never tried before isn't the brightest idea, but all my other tyres were knackered or recently sold on as used parts.
I qualified pole in the B final and Colin kindly offered to let me try his 28 JBs (which he had also put on new at the start of the evening) to see how they compared to the LRP tyres which I was trying. I should clarify, the reason for trying the LRPs is because they are a lot cheaper than the Sorex 28 JBs and they should last longer than them also, because frankly the build quality of the JBs is shocking.
Anyway, shock-horror, the JBs are quicker 2+ laps quicker even round our little Morecambe track. Interestingly Colin went 2 laps slower with my LRPs on, so there appears to be a consistent and mirrored change in times between the tyres. The LRPs are certainly drive-able though, Colin confirmed that, so might be worth considering if everyone at the club was on them. I'll let you know how they feel at Blackpool, but in summary, on 28 JBs the new car/new radio combo felt truly awesome.
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