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Tuesday, 5 July 2011

MMCC @ Blackpool on 28s (well for a handful of laps at least)

I was racing at Morecambe's monthly Blackpool excursion last night. I say racing, I was there but minimal racing was completed unfortunately. I shall explain...

I arrive and unpack all my stuff and then decide in my ultimate wisdom that now was a good time to examine my rear diff which hasn't felt as good ever since it broke and had multiple parts replaced. So I take it apart and think I find a culprit gear, with that replaced I reassemble the diff only to find it feels worse than before! To boot, the diff is still in my hand when the 30 second countdown starts for my first qualifier (as we were running on auto) so that's the first race down...

Figuring I've missed the first race I decide that now it's out I might as well do a proper job and actually fix it. So, apart the diff comes again and I think I find another culprit gear. Put it back together and of course it feels even worse now. Getting a bit pissed off at the stupid thing I stand firm and refuse to race until I have at least got it back to the marginally broken feeling I started with, rather than something worse. My decision to stand firm is probably just as well considering round two of my qualfying has now started anyway.

All the old gears go back in, broken looking or otherwise and it once again only feels a little broken, so I say sod it and bolt it all together in time for the my first, but really third and final qualifier. About 3 minutes and 15 laps in a wheel falls off.

So, several hours after I arrived and with maybe 3 minutes of racing under my belt I find myself at the bottom of the bottom heat with the only thing behind me being a mardave. The shame. Not a high point in my racing career. After another 3 minutes of surprisingly hard fought racing I'm leading my final for maybe a lap before my wheel falls off again. FFS. I wonder why I bother sometimes...

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