Car setup remained the same as last time out except for two fairly big changes... the first being the installation of my new Speed Passion GT Pro 2.0, in blue, naturally. The second was the fitment of some Sweep 32s as I am running these for the first time tomorrow at BIWS so I wanted to see what they were like having heard mixed reviews.
I'd also found time to cover some, oh okay most, of my pit gear in carbon fibre vinyl and blue screws. That combined with the recent acquisition of some MuchMore blue accessories and obviously my new Tamiya means there is a definite carbon fibre/TRF/Tamiya blue theme going on on my pit table now. Good times.
The car was running well as before and there was definitely a marked improvement in both performance and efficiency with the SpeedPassion 2.0 speedo over the older 1.0 model I had in previously. With the same settings plugged in via the handy program card the car felt like it had quite a bit more punch and a slightly higher top speed to boot. As another plus point I noticed I was taking quite a bit less out my lipo; about 500mah less actually and all done with the added bonus of it being blue and matching the car! If it's this quick already I'm intrigued to see what it's like with the stock profiles installed on it - I'm just awaiting delivery of the 'Pro' LCD program card.
The Sweep tires however were a different matter. I was expecting something akin to Sorex 32s not much grip but still very drivable. I was bitterly disappointed. Anything other than silky smooth throttle and steering inputs resulted in the rear end breaking loose and the car seemed to suffer from slow speed understeer coupled with fairly vicious high speed oversteer. I instantly missed my Sorex 28 JBs. A friend did back to back runs with the 28s and the 32s and we concluded that the 28s were worth somewhere between 1-2 laps over the five minute run. Not sure what to expect on the apparently low grip surface of BIWS really, but when I didn't push the car actually didn't feel too bad. Must have been the Tamiya light shining through the darkness of the Sweep 32 abyss.
All in all a reasonable evening. I didn't do anywhere near as well as I should have but the experience from running the Sweeps before the racing tomorrow should stand me in good stead. Not sure what to do about setup for tomorrow really, I've heard of people going softer, people going harder and some just running carpet setups... Guess I'll have to make that call after practice. I will let you know how it goes!
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